
Best Paper Award:

We are pleased to announce two Best Conference Paper Awards, sponsored by Research in International Business and Finance (RIBAF) and the AfriMed Finance Society, each with a cash prize of 1,000 USD.

Journal Submissions: Emerging Markets Review.

●We have the privilege of providing publication opportunities for selected accepted conference papers that address related questions in a ‘special theme’ issue of the Emerging Markets Review. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

●Interested authors should submit through the journal’s website and designate the submission for the Special Theme on “BUILDING RESILIENCE IN EMERGING MARKETS” in the cover letter.

EMR Submission Open Date: July 31, 2024

●AFS 2025 Organizing Committee has the privilege of providing publication opportunities for selected accepted AFS 2025 Summer Conference papers that address related questions in a ‘special theme’ issue of the Emerging Markets Review.

●Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.